Blekfild prohazunk - Blackfields walk

Blekfild prohazunk - Blackfields walk

Délka prohlídky: více než 120 minut


Tato procházka bude vedena v angličtine Donem Sparlingem, ve spolupráci s Brno Expat Centre.

Sobota 13. 5. 2023, 9:30, délka procházky 2 hodiny,  cca do 11:30

Saturday 13th May, 9:30 -11:30  

Meeting place: the Children's Hospital tram stop (lines 3, 5, 9) 


The event is fully booked!

Černopolní 213/10, 61300 Brno - Černá Pole

Místo srazu: setkání u zastávky Dětská nemocnice

Bezbariérový přístup

Vhodné pro děti

Prohlídka v angličtině

Možno fotografovat

Vstup se psy

This spring's walk will take us to "Old Blackfields" - the part of Černá Pole / Schwarzfeld / Blekfild bounded roughly by Černopolní, Zemědělská, Jugoslávská and Merhautova streets. Today this is a quiet, middle-class residential neighbourhood.  But it's not always been just that, being known at various times for:

  • its vineyards and brickyards 
  • the country's first home for troubled youth
  • its exclusiveness as the site of Brno's first elite, upper-middle class villas
  • its model homes for workers
  • the presence of the first allotment gardens in the Austrian monarchy
  • the Czech Republic's oldest gay club
  • the point of departure for the transport of Brno's Jews to the death camps in World War II
  • the city's only street with two names

 The walk will reveal the fascinating stories of these and many other buildings and places in "Old Blackfields". 

link for partner web: 



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